Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is HealthCare Advocates effective when all of my efforts have failed?

A: Because HealthCare Advocates knows the industry, the laws and the regulations. We also have the team that can put your goals into action. In short, we have the expertise and experience to make resolve your issue(s).

Another part of the reason is our letterhead.  HealthCare Advocates is well known by the insurance companies and they know that we know how to win and that we will not back down.  Based on that, our letterhead goes a long way when interacting with insurance companies. 

Q: Why should I pay HealthCare Advocates to solve my problem when I am sure I can solve it myself?

A: Several reasons:

  • We always hear people say, "I am an intelligent person, I can figure it out on my own."  The reality is that intelligence is not a substitute for experience.  HealthCare Advocates has the experience to know what questions will be asked and how to obtain results.  While there are many intelligent people, they do not posses our experience which is part of the reason that we are so successful.

  • Because we know how to resolve the 'issue' before it becomes an expensive 'problem.'

  • Because we know how to resolve problems. People often come to us after they tried to rectify the problem and all they accomplished was to complicate the problem.

  • One call to HealthCare Advocates will save you time, money and a lot of aggravation because our team of specialists knows how to solve your health care problems.

  • We can save you money. Often people are entitled to benefits and other services they do not know about, and do not think they are entitled to knowing the health care system, we know your entitlements and can show you how to save money.

  • Stress. Stress leads to many health problems and if you are already ill, the last thing you need is to add more stress to your life. Let HealthCare Advocates deal with the problem letting you concentrate on getting better.

  • Assurance. Because HealthCare Advocates works with doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, government agencies and other professionals on a daily basis, we have developed great working relationships. These relationships and experiences can help you through the complicated health care system.

Q: Why should I use HealthCare Advocates' Health Counselor and not a lawyer?

A: Ask your lawyer this question - how many cases did you handle last year that fit my fact pattern?  I'll bet the number is three or less.   HealthCare Advocates has the experience!  Below are examples of lawyers seeking our advice because we have the experience.
         Example #1:
         "I am going to fax you a letter we received from [insurance company].  Should            we send the signed form to them?  Our lawyer said we should ask you about            this."

         Example #2:
         We were asked what this person's lawyer should put in a letter.  
         "..what should be the substance of his reply to the letter?"

HealthCare Advocates specializes in resolving problems in a cost effective, confidential manner. Lawyers specialize in suing (all of your private medical information will become public) once an adverse consequence has occurred (i.e. death, blind, etc). In fact, it is because of these reasons that we have a lot of lawyers as clients.  Below is an email from an attorney seeking HealthCare Advocate's advice on a matter:

          From the attorney..."I have a case where the health carrier
          sued a policy holder to rescind the contract based on
          fraudulent misrepresentation during the application process
          and seeks reimbursement of all monies paid out.  They
          are  now demanding that each medical provider return the
          payments made (they have not returned the premiums
          to the insured).   Can a company actually have as part of
          their network provider agreement the right to recoup
          payments from the providers after they obviously approved
          the payment?  Have you ever seen such a situation?" 

Q: Will HealthCare Advocates' file an appeal with my insurance company?

A: The filing of an appeal is not always the best way to resolve the matter; but sometimes it is.  We will research the issue to determine what course of action is best and then implement the course of action.  If filing an appeal is the best option, then HealthCare Advocates will file an appeal on your behalf.

Click here to read about the appeals process and why it is important

Q: Can HealthCare Advocates help people anywhere in the country?

A: Yes. We are a nationwide patient advocacy company.

Q: Will my insurance company drop me if I ask HealthCare Advocates to help me with a problem?

A: No. First, insurance companies are not allowed to cancel (rescind) insurance policies at will; there are laws to protect you. Second, HealthCare Advocates members have NEVER experienced any retaliation from the insurance companies, nor is any anticipated. Remember, insurance companies are large bureaucracies and sometimes a person needs an advocate to help them get the attention they deserve.

Q: What is the difference between a patient advocate and a HealthCare Advocates' Health Counselor?

A: A patient advocate traditionally helps patients (people currently in treatment). HealthCare Advocates' Health Counselor helps people before, during and after treatment. An advocate, can be fit in anywhere along the line (before, during or after care).