HealthCare Advocates

After an unexpected hospitalization without insurance coverage, I was left with bills totaling over $200,000. Even a long-term payment plan would have left me in serious financial difficulty. A friend recommended Healthcare Advocates, and I contacted them immediately. Kevin Flynn took my background, researched different options, and, offered several alternatives for finding assistance in paying for my care. Together, we decided on several approaches, including Medicaid and different state programs, each of which we hoped might pay for some of my medical expenditures. The final result was staggering. Kevins understanding of the law surpassed that of the staff at the facilities where I was treated, and he was able to advocate for me so successfully that he reduced my bills more than 90% ($180,000 plus was written-off). Without Healthcare Advocates extensive research and negotiating skills, I would have lost a substantial portion of my retirement savings, and might have had to file for bankruptcy to get out from under the medical bills (and given recent changes in bankruptcy laws, even that might not have helped). Healthcare Advocates offers an invaluable service, and I am profoundly grateful to have found them.

Fairfax, VA